U.S. Sen. Blackburn Introduces First Bill as Senator to Protect The Unborn

U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) introduced her first bill Thursday in the U.S. Senate. Her bill – S. 105, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act – strips all abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood, of federal funding under Title X of the Public Health Service Act.

“Tennesseans and the American people do not want their tax dollars funding abortions,” Blackburn said in a statement on Twitter. “They have made this position clear time and again. Hardworking taxpayers do not want to subsidize the business of abortion providers and entities such as Planned Parenthood.”

U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO-04) on Wednesday introduced the House version of the bill, Life News reported.

Blackburn has a long history of standing up for the rights of the pre-born.

Last August, Blackburn, then a Senate candidate, announced she had assembled a pro-life coalition of more than 500 advocates from across Tennessee, The Tennessee Star reported.

Blackburn said in August, “The first of our rights is the right to life. It is both my duty and honor to protect life, and I am honored to have such a committed group of Tennesseans supporting my campaign for Senate. In the Senate, I will continue to stand for the sanctity of life and the protection of women and unborn children.”

Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser came out strong in supporting Blackburn in her U.S. Senate race against liberal Democrat Phil Bredesen, writing, “as Marsha runs to represent Tennessee in the United States Senate, we are reminded of the critical importance of electing pro-life leaders who will never back down from doing the right thing. We have seen exactly what she will do in tough situations, and we know she’s the right woman for the job.

In the fall, the Susan B. Anthony List ran an ad supporting Blackburn and contrasting her views with her pro-abortion opponent Bredesen, but the ad was temporarily blocked by Facebook.

In October 2017, Blackburn’s Senate campaign announcement video was blocked by Twitter over concerns that the ad’s pro-life message would offend viewers. She boasted in the ad that she “stopped the sale of baby body parts” through her work in the House.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Marsha Blackburn. 









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11 Thoughts to “U.S. Sen. Blackburn Introduces First Bill as Senator to Protect The Unborn”

  1. Gloria Thompson

    Thank you Marsha Blackburn,you stand for what is true,right and good,in a country of murderers who call it good.and healtcare!! These babies are human boys and girls future men and women and it seems odd that a political party that claims they stand for women are aborting them their future!! We thank you for truly supporting women!

  2. […] on Jan. 10 introduced her first bill in the U.S. Senate, S. 105, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, to strip all abortion providers, including […]

  3. Clifford J. Petersen

    Thank you Senator Blackburn. I hope that legislators at the state level will take similar action to protect our children and end the insanity being pushed by the left. Governor Lee has made it clear he will support and sign “heartbeat” limits which would be a good start back toward a moral, civilized culture that respects the lives of the innocent!

  4. Jane Smith

    I hate her, a lot. She should been aborted.

  5. Matt

    The Hyde Amendment already makes it illegal for tax dollars to fund abortions. Your bill would defund healthcare providers, not abortions. You are a disgraceful person and you make me embarrassed to be a Tennessean.

  6. I ❤️Babies

    The Democrat’s motto should be, “Protect those who will harm us and harm those who cannot defend themselves.”

  7. Doc

    Marsha Blackburn is an absolute & total embarrassment to ALL women. I cannot believe she was allowed to barter her way into office. WATCH her every movement & listen to every word. I guarantee you’ll be shocked at what we have voted into office. Tread lightly!

  8. Susanne Johnson

    Let’s work across the political aisle to protect life and promote equitable human flourishing from cradle to grave.

  9. Tami Cooper

    I pray that you will help save the lives of the unborn. All life is a gift from God .Despite if the baby is born with defects . All life is special .


      Wait until she helps pass a trump budget that takes away spending that helps those babies after they’re born. I’m sure you’ll be back here applauding her then as well.

  10. Karl Shumaker

    Good. Now where are the bills for term limits, the wall, restoring Constitutional Currency, revoking the Federal Reserve Act and abolishing the IRS to name a few.
